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Test Bank For Maternal Child Nursing Care actual and final exam

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Test Bank For Maternal Child Nursing Care actual and final exam




1. An 18-year-old pregnant woman, gravida 1, is admitted to the labor and birth unit with moderate contractions every 5 minutes that last 40 seconds. The woman states, My contractions are so strong that I dont know what to do with myself. The nurse should: a. Assess for fetal well-being.

b.  Encourage the woman to lie on her side.

c.  Disturb the woman as little as possible.

d.  Recognize that pain is personalized for each individual. - d. Recognize that pain is personalized for each individual.


2. Nursing care measures are commonly offered to women in labor. Which nursing measure reflects application of the gate-control theory? a. Massaging the womans back

b.  Changing the womans position

c.  Giving the prescribed medication

d.  Encouraging the woman to rest between contractions - a. Massaging the womans back


3. A woman in active labor receives an analgesic opioid agonist. Which medication relieves severe, persistent, or recurrent pain; creates a sense of well-being; overcomes inhibitory factors; and may even relax the cervix but should be used cautiously in women with cardiac disease?

a.  Meperidine (Demerol) c. Butorphanol tartrate (Stadol)

b.  Promethazine (Phenergan) d. Nalbuphine (Nubain) - a. Meperidine (Demerol)


4. A laboring woman received an opioid agonist (meperidine) intravenously 90 minutes before she gave birth. Which medication should be available to reduce the postnatal effects of Demerol on the neonate?

a.  Fentanyl (Sublimaze) c. Naloxone (Narcan)

b.  Promethazine (Phenergan) d. Nalbuphine (Nubain) - c. Naloxone (Narcan)


5. A woman in labor has just received an epidural block. The most important nursing intervention is to:

a.  Limit parenteral fluids.

b.  Monitor the fetus for possible tachycardia.

c.  Monitor the maternal blood pressure for possible hypotension.

d.  Monitor the maternal pulse for possible bradycardia. - c. Monitor the maternal blood pressure for possible hypotension.


6. The nurse should be aware that an effective plan to achieve adequate pain relief without maternal risk is most effective if:

a.  The mother gives birth without any analgesic or anesthetic.

b.  The mother and familys priorities and preferences are incorporated into the plan.

c.  The primary health care provider decides the best pain relief for the mother and family.

d.  The nurse informs the family of all alternative methods of pain relief available in the hospital setting. - b. The mother and familys priorities and preferences are incorporated into the plan.


7. A woman in the active phase of the first stage of labor is using a shallow pattern of breathing, which is about twice the normal adult breathing rate. She starts to complain about feeling lightheaded and dizzy and states that her fingers are tingling. The nurse should:

a.  Notify the womans physician.

b.  Tell the woman to slow the pace of her breathing.

c.  Administer oxygen via a mask or nasal cannula.

d.  Help her breathe into a paper bag - d. Help her breathe into a paper bag


8. A woman is experiencing back labor and complains of intense pain in her lower back.

An effective relief measure would be to use: a. Counterpressure against the sacrum.

b.  Pant-blow (breaths and puffs) breathing techniques.

c.  Effleurage.

d.  Conscious relaxation or guided imagery. - a. Counterpressure against the sacrum.


9. If an opioid antagonist is administered to a laboring woman, she should be told that: a. Her pain will decrease.

b.  Her pain will return.

c.  She will feel less anxious.

d.  She will no longer feel the urge to push. - b. Her pain will return.


10. A woman has requested an epidural for her pain. She is 5 cm dilated and 100% effaced. The baby is in a vertex position and is engaged. The nurse increases the womans intravenous fluid for a preprocedural bolus. She reviews her laboratory values and notes that the womans hemoglobin is 12 g/dL, hematocrit is 38%, platelets are 67,000, and white blood cells (WBCs) are 12,000/mm3. Which factor would contraindicate an epidural for the woman?

a.  She is too far dilated. c. She has thrombocytopenia.

b.  She is anemic. d. She is septic. - c. She has thrombocytopenia.


11. The role of the nurse with regard to informed consent is to:

a.  Inform the client about the procedure and have her sign the consent form.

b.  Act as a client advocate and help clarify the procedure and the options.

c.  Call the physician to see the client.

d.  Witness the signing of the consent form. - b. Act as a client advocate and help clarify the procedure and the options.


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$ 20.00

[Solved] Test Bank For Maternal Child Nursing Care actual and final exam

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  • Submitted On 22 Jun, 2024 01:52:28
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Test Bank For Maternal Child Nursing Care actual and final exam 1. An 18-year-old pregnant woman, gravida 1, is admitted to the labor and birth unit with moderate contractions every 5 minutes that last 40 seconds. The woman states, My contractions are so strong that I dont know what to do with myself. The nurse should: a. Assess for fetal well-being. b. Encourage the woman to lie on her side. c. Disturb the woman as little as possible. d. Recognize that pain is personalized for each individual. - d. Recognize that pain is personalized for each individual. 2. Nursing care measures are commonly offered to women in labor. Which nursing measure reflects application of the gate-control theory? a. Massaging the womans back b. Changing the womans position c. Giving the prescribed medication d. Encouraging the woman to rest between contractions - a. Massaging the womans back 3. A woman in active labor receives an analgesic opioid agonist. Which medication relieves severe, persistent, or recurrent pain; creates a sense of well-being; overcomes inhibitory factors; and may even relax the cervix but should be used cautiously in women...
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